Okay Guys it's been a while.

Big day today! Who’s all getting their kit today?

Second one gone :slight_smile: back to the manual v.2 :slight_smile:

missing/deleted image from Google+

Lucky guys :stuck_out_tongue:

On my way home now, car full with all the parts

Fourth! Mine is home now, unfortunately I have to fly to Cairo tomorrow!.. :frowning:

Ugh @CescoAiel . That’s going to be a long wait.

I may get started on the case today, just to get that itch scratched a little bit!..

Well at least its waiting for you at home now @CescoAiel :slight_smile: and when you get back the manual should be supper!, as my full attention (- shipping the others :wink: ) will be on making that great :smiley:

http://manual.fabcreator.com is where you will find the manual from now on, Ill make it possible to download once a version is solid but for now it will update fairly rapidly over the weekend.

You will want a larger workspace then mine. If you have a place that you can access from all sides, that would be ideal. I have to constantly move the case around and it keeps getting heavier.
missing/deleted image from Google+

The mines is into the Lab. Try to make space to build, but also the CNC fraise arrived today… what will be first to play with???

Started after dinner (7-ish) together with my son… Got the case built and the bed assembly in place… Just need to do the belt, but that was too much fiddling for tonight! The rest next weekend, alas!

Perhaps you can put a version nr on front of the manual, so we can see if its newer that we had read/downloaded as before.

And damn, that protective foil is stubborn!..

@CescoAiel So thats sounds great! Good work.

@CescoAiel yeah the foil is a pain It does however keep the cuts clean and prevents alot of burs. Without it we spent just as much time if not more with a file :wink:
Great work getting the frame together, safe travels :slight_smile:

@DIGITALLI_NL ​ the version number is on there 1.04v I am going to working on it today ill let you know when the first one happens :slight_smile: Ill be sure to update the number too :smiley:

PS: the manual does not list both the bags of screws and stuff for the bed assembly… (Either that, or it doesn’t list the motor, either way, one bag of stuff is missing from that list of required items!)

For the bed assembly there a 3 bags z axis motor, ball screw ends and z assembly. The z motor is also in its own bag now in the electronics box.