Oddly no one had shared a nice green Matrix code effect for LED grids

Oddly no one had shared a nice green Matrix code effect for LED grids (or maybe I just suck at searching) so I whipped one up today. Here’s the code in case anyone wants to take the red pill. Super simple, low memory requirements.

That rocks. And it looks good on a Game Frame too. :wink: There was at least one thread were we talked about it. A few others should be happy to see this too. @Cristian_Martinez

I put it on tiny 8w x 4h matrix and it kind of works with that small of a height. The default settings with my matrix wiring had the rain going up though, hehehe. Tried it on a single strip, setting kMatrixWidth = 1 and that works too. Thanks for sharing!

@marmil ​ you remebered lol