New Widget: Super Touch Plate If you've ever used Chilipeppr's Touchplate widget and seen

The yellow checkmarks mean the command was sent to the SPJS buffer and is waiting to send to TinyG. The black check means TinyG sent a response back that it processed that line. So, you want to see it go black eventually.

You can double check in the Serial Port widget if there are items in the buffer for the serial port. If those don’t seem to be getting consumed, it does mean your connecting between TinyG and SPJS is dead. I always tend to just restart SPJS from that nice icon and reconnect. Then things stay nice.

I am running at

[baud] USB baud rate 5 [1=9600,2=19200,3=38400,4=57600,5=115200,6=230400]

so im wondering if I should pull the baudrate back a bit

Interesting. so i dropped back the baud rate. to 57600.

I ran the original z touch plate wizard no problem.

The I ran the supertouch plate wizard and then the commands went green and then yellow.


I would seem like the we are causing the tinyg to go into fault quite repeated when i switch from a y probe to and x probe.

Ill compare the widget code… with the original. but ill see if i can replicate the erros just sending gcode manually to tinyg

//Start searching! Positive value makes toolhead search in opposite direction from g53 origin, towards touchplate.
var id = “tp” + this.gcodeCtr++;
gcode = “G38.2 X20 F” + fr + “\n”;
chilipeppr.publish("/com-chilipeppr-widget-serialport/jsonSend", {
Id: id,
D: gcode

Seems like Im getting closer. I can get the tinyg to go into fault mode with a G38.2 probing command.

It works okay the first time… more testing tomorrow i think.

Eureka - Found the problem.
Had Zmin set for as limit switch erroneously thinking this was necessary for it to be recognised for a probing operation.

If the G38.2 command is run and you get contact bounce then the second trigger is seen as a limit switch and turns locks the board down… that was some fault fining fun.

You can turn off that funnel icon to see the JSON back from TinyG. It does report errors that way, but that JSON is hidden by that funnel icon.

Im just putting the fisnhing touches on my modified Super touch plate widget. This has been a lot of fun reverse engineering the code. Ill put up a video and my git hub location once Im done.