New Question of the day.
When working with thicker material after setting the z zero. I start sending the g code and the Z axis retracts to far and throws off my zero. Under what settings in tinyG would I change to correct this?
Thanks everyone.
On your cam software change the z clearance plane or a safe travel to a smaller number
Yep @Mark_Leino nailed it.
Also remember the spindle is not fixed at its location. You can slide the spindle up/down the Z axis to give more travel.
Thank you @Mark_Leino . The only problem is that I cant recall which program is my CAM. Would it be CNC.JS or Vcarve? I was thinking CNC.JS but I couldn’t find anything that would change the setting.
@Brandon_Satterfield I have the spindle as high as it can be. I just don’t know where to change the Z clearance plane.
It will be in V-Carve. I don’t use it so I can’t lead to the right screen. In Fusion the setting is called Retract Height.
@Colin_Kaminski thank you. That saves me time. I have been looking in cncjs for the last hour. Lol
By the way happy Easter everyone!
Ok For those of you that use vcarve it is under material setup. Only from the right side where you set up your tool paths. It is the z gap above material.
I have been thinking we need a short article on managing the Z-axis. I am only slowly figuring it out myself. Just because you have 3” under the gantry doesn’t mean you can cut that much. It would be good to have a place to see all the overhead costs. Retract height, the length of the cutter etc…
Hi there,
This is what I do:
The SMW3D z axis zeroing touchplate is 19.6mm, I have a zeroing backoff of 2mm.
Whenever I set up my G54 (work coordinates) in chilipeppr, for some reason, I always have to reset my g54 z offset to 21.6. (19.6 +2). Other times, when you want to reset your g54 and the z offset is already 21.6, you will need to set it as 0. strange but it works.