New N95 mask option: Need Pandemic hotspot printers

I’ve been working with a group that has been focusing on using widely-available Halyard H600 surgical wrap as a filter material that is N95-capable by design. They have found that BVM masks are widely available and can be sterilized and re-used, though they are typically discarded after surgery. There is an existing design for an adapter to use the H600 fabric as filter material in a fitting to use with those masks.

However, the existing design is fiddly to print, and has voids with sharp corners — it doesn’t look particularly sanitary to me. I have a much simpler design that should be trivially easy to print and I’d like to iterate to solution with someone near one of the hotspots. NYC, NJ, Detroit, Boston. If you have a 3D printer and are in one of those areas, I’d like to work with you on getting this design widely usable. I think it will only need a few test prints.


Now looking specifically for someone in NJ, or nearby NYC, who can help a doctor supervising residents in NJ and NYC who is trying to find PPE for residents serving under-resourced areas of the NYC metro area.

May end up also looking for 3D printing help in the Detroit area. Please either respond to this message or DM me. Also if you know someone and can make a connection, please DM me.
