New member here, and I'm fine with this getting moved/removed if I have somehow

New member here, and I’m fine with this getting moved/removed if I have somehow missed something obvious in my questions.

I have an FSLasers version 4 hobby laser, the last one they sold with the k40-esque chinese frame and the USB controller. I’ve had it about 4 years now, and it still runs well, but I’m wanting more bed size and more power for my projects.

What I’m wondering is, has anybody here tried to use LaserWeb with the larger 100W or bigger style chinese cutters that are out there on Ebay and such? I presume that whatever proprietary chineseium controller it has would need to be swapped out, and I can go digging around for info on that, but does LaserWeb support machines that big?

My second question is, with the FSLasers Retina Engrave software, you can do multiple-pass operations in one go, rastering and then cutting, and this is critical for me to be able to do for my business workflow. Can LaserWeb do that in v3? Is it a planned feature for v4 that I should wait for?

And lastly, the art I engrave is really dense with details, and I prefer to raster at 500 DPI with heavy halftone dithering. Retina Engrave can do this processing from vector to raster on the fly, which helps me a lot. Can LaserWeb handle this, and more importantly, how much RAM would that consume? Retina Engrave is a RAM pig, and some of my most dense raster designs will consume upwards of 4gb of RAM when I load them into Retina Engrave.

Welcome. Most of the questions regarding features are / will be in LW4. Look at @Todd_Fleming ​ profile and look at various gif in this topics

Yes, yes and possibly not sure lots is happening with the rastering currently.

I would recommend getting yourself a smoothie board and testing it out :slight_smile:

Right now LW4 rastering only supports bitmaps and doesn’t do dithering. It can raster an image that you dithered using other software. If you place both bitmaps and vectors in a single SVG, then LW4 can raster the images and either cut or fill the vectors. There’s a large problem with smoothieboard right now which causes it the raster slowly. Developers are currently debating potential fixes.

Workaround for smoothie is to put the file on the smoothies sd card and run it via a print from sd command.
I know you risk it corrupting the sd card but otherwise a 2 min job takes over 20…

I’ll send you a video of our machine after Christmas :wink:
Running via SD card using pronter face is a lot faster we just did some last min Christmas engraving and had to preloaded the files on the smoothie sd card and then use pronter face to print file from sd.

Well, that’s why @cprezzi has a remix on the way, so we can fix that.