New Email Based Features

New email feature found in the latest update of Discourse.

"Allow users to easily track/watch/mute topics via email

If you reply to an email with the word “mute” a topic will be muted
If you reply to an email with the word “track” a topic will be tracked
If you reply to an email with the word “watch” a topic will be watched

These ninja command can help advanced mailing list ex-users, saves a trip
to the website."


My cell phone shows that all email notifications are disabled on this hosting. Is that correct?

I’m getting a summary email from maker forums at the moment. Unfortunately it has the same error as google+_ - it wants to link all my groups into a single view.

Obviously, this is not very useful. We have multiple groups because we think the subjects should be separated. This is especially true when they’re subtopics of something like K40 rather than an individual’s selection of multiple topics. Linking them all together is directly contrary to the group design.

Is there a way to get a separate summary of each individual group ?