NEW, elastic filament for 3D Printers that can extrude 250-260c.

NEW, elastic filament for 3D Printers that can extrude 250-260c. Please let me know what you think and what would you use it for?


shoes! prosthetic inserts!

And where do we get this filament? What sizes is it available in?

good god!

I’m going to print tank treads of course…

and maybe a stress toy

You can print a rubber belt for a rep rap 3D printer now.

What have they done to it to make ABS behave like that! - What is in it - They really need to tell people before shipping it - be careful!

Definitely needs an MSDS.

Where did you buy the 1.75mm elastic PLA?

Fascia. With a dual extrusion printer you could finally print an ABS “bone” in a fascia “web” of the elastic PLA.