New Designer Color Palettes for FastLED There's a great web site for color designers

Hi! I’m a total FastLED newbie! Loving the palette knife demo code; thanks SO much! I think line 14 of the code needs to be updated for arduino 1.6.6 (same update was made in demoreel100)
I made mine: #if defined(FASTLED_VERSION) && (FASTLED_VERSION < 3001000) //updated for Arduino V 1.6.6

Thank you! We need to get after all the samples this way, I think. (Or Arduino should fix their bug, but we can do our part, too.) Thanks again and enjoy the colors – please share your experiments and creations when you can!

Hi Mark! Nube FastLed question: how do I scale the 16/256 palette so it looks good on strips that aren’t evenly divisible by 16? I have 114 leds in a rectangle and I’m trying to get the start and ends of the animations to line up. Thanks!

Hey @Steve_Hurd , great question and I bet other folks are curious too. Would you do me a favor and start a new posting with your question (how do I make a palette work out evenly around a 114-pixel shape) and I’ll answer it there!

I already did a few days ago. Do I need to post it differently for you to find it?

Oops! Sorry- missed it, but replied there now!
(and for everyone else, that’s at )

Cool stuff!! thank you so much Mark!! I am working on FastLed library and your advice was so helpful. People like you encourage people like me to work harder and better.

Today is Tuesday May 17th. I can no longer get onto the cpt-city web site. Here is what I get: Forbidden

You don’t have permission to access /pub/cpt-city/ on this server.

I’m in the Santa Barbara, CA area and the only internet log on is through Cox Communications. Anyone have any ides as to why or what happened?

Hi Fred- I don’t have any leads for you here. I just tried it all again myself (albeit from Boston) and it seemed to work ok for me. Had it worked for you before? What browser and version and OS were you trying?

Windows 10 as well as Macintosh. Both use Chrome. Perhaps this is where the problem lies. I’ve just posted to the Chrome touubleshooter site. Now I’ll wait and see.

Is there a manual workaround to this? I can’t get onto the cpt-city site any longer using Google. I can access using another browser but I’m trying to translate the city code into something my Arduino can use. Anyone?

Hi! I’m using the standard FastLED palettes in an array of TProgmemRGBPalette16*. Is there a way to add Gradient Palette in the same array somehow? The desired result would be one array which contains both default palettes such as LavaColors_p and CPT palettes like Sunset_Real_gp. Thanks in advance!

Good morning.
How do I go about having more than one playlist for the GradientPalettes.h file when using the esp8266-fastled-webserver? I would like to do something for Valentine’s Day and some other holidays also.

Louis Hall

While there is an archive of old Google+ FastLED content on Maker Forums, the FastLED community has requested that new conversation happen on Reddit: