Nerved issue, maybe somebody can help me. If i start a job after some minutes i get this here. If i recheck the chebox at my COM port then i get the errormessage: “Error opening port …” I guess the tinyg are to hot and lost serial communication? I have no errors in JS Console.
Here some additional informations. The console from SPJS wrote this error:
2016/01/24 12:52:02 bufferflow_tinyg_v2.go:474: OnIncomingData() end.
2016/01/24 12:52:04 serialport.go:190: The I/O operation has been aborted because of either a thread exit or an application request.
2016/01/24 12:52:04 serial.go:141: Unregistering a port: COM6
2016/01/24 12:52:04 serialport.go:355: Shutting down writer on COM6
Hi Frank, when spjs has any issue with the com-port, I must disconnect physically and reconnect. Otherwise i would get the same issue from chilipeppr with failing to open the port. Apart from that i guess i cannot give any good advice regarding tinyg, as i am a grbl user. But first I would change the USB-Cable and watch for temp of the driver chips on next run. Beste Grüsse aus Bayern, Werner
Here i get a lot of this fail’s:
2016/01/24 13:48:13 bufferflow_tinyg_v2.go:190: It looks like the local queue is over the allowed size, so we are going to pause. Then when some incoming responses come in a check will occur to see if there’s room to send this command. Pausing…
2016/01/24 13:48:13 bufferflow_tinyg_v2.go:205: Blocking on b.sem until told from OnIncomingData to go
2016/01/24 13:48:13 serialport.go:265: Got p.sendNoBuf. id:g1546, pause:0, data:N1546 G1 Y120.3\n
2016/01/24 13:48:13 serialport.go:272: Items In SPJS Queue List:434
2016/01/24 13:48:13 feedrateoverride.go:156: FRO: Feed Rate override is 0.0 so returning
@Werner_Drasch The temperature are normal. I’ll try next week another USB cable, but spjs works and get the position data every time. Maybe i try a rpi next week, i’t looks a kind of driver problem in win8.
I’ve never seen the problem you’re seeing. I could believe it’s a USB driver issue. Those debug msgs are normal. Bad USB cable is possible too.