Nema23 closed loop problems

Hello, hope you guys can help, I’m upgrading my nema 17s to closed loop integrated nema23’s. I’ve bought 4 nema 23s power supply and a Makerbase MKS dlc32. Everything is wire up but when I try to jog using UGS the motors won’t move. I’m hoping someone on the forum has done this before and can help.thanks

Welcome to the forum :tada:

Can you supply links to the equipment you’re using?

How are you picking out the control lines to the motor drivers from the DLC32 board? … They normally have hardware drivers on board.

It would be nice to specify what kind of laser/control boards you use… I have such limited information without it.



I have managed to figure it out, it was a grounding issue. Thank you for getting back to me thou forums are great for help when you need it.