My truggy. Thank you Daniel Norée.

My truggy. Thank you Daniel Norée.

Very well printed. Good job. Which material did you use for the differentials?

Black chassis parts are ABS Esun. Red parts of PLA. PLA-Manufacturer unknown. Origin of the USA. The PLA for the Markeboot printer.
Slicing in simplify3d. I can share the profile.

Wow! Stunning!

Wow, that looks amazing! Well done!!! =)

Looks amazing. I would be worried if PLA would be strong enough. I reprinted it from Filamentum CF15 and at the end I uesd metal diffs.
Možná se někde náhodou potkáme při projížďce, já tisknu na Suchdole.

That looks awesome mate. Print quality is also very, very nice.

Any pointers on printing the wheels and rear wing? These are two items I haven’t gotten around to printing yet.

I’ve got a couple of weeks off university coming up, completing my sons Truggy is high on the list of jobs to knock over.


WING holder


Many thanks @Martin_Stransky