My Prometheus dual extruder arrived yesterday,

My Prometheus dual extruder arrived yesterday, hopefully I will be able to get my Cobblebot Vanguard finally printing with this puppy!

Ah The Number of times I have had a pile of shiny, fresh and new parts just itching to be built!

Do they include what to change in your slicer and firmware? I’ve been looking at doing this myself, but I am not sure what needs changes.

was yours the early bird special, I haven’t received mine yet sadly, just a shipping address confirmation

Yes, I was an early bird (backer #22), and I paid the extra cost for the faster shipping with tracking.

I love ur cutting mat, same as mine but mine is 3 by 2. Warped the hell outa mine with a blowdryer by accident

@Matthew_Del_Rosso I love that mat, almost every project start on that mat, yet everytime I need to measure something I forget there’s a ruler on it and I scramble looking for a ruler.

@PrintinAddiction let me know how the prometheus system works for u. Are you putting it on a existing printer, or building a custom? Im putting mine on my simple metal, so i hope it goes well

I backed the cobblebot kickstarter which turned out to be a bust, the x-gantry is really floppy, so hopefully I can get TOS’s upgrade with a single hot end to work with this.

I have been looking or the Repetier firmware changes for such a setup. Are you using Repetier? Of so, please let me know the changes.

I havent tried Repetier yet, I was going to see if Marlin will fit the bill since I have some experience with it.

I honestly did not like Repetier. It just happened to be on my board and I never tried anything else. It does seem like it is Marlin based… to me at least.