My printer has been siting for 3 months now since it was falling apart on me. I decided to pull it out yesterday and when I hooked it up to repetier host it gave me this message “Printer stopped due to errors. Fix the error and use M999 to restart. (Temperature is reset. Set it after restarting)”. Also my hot bed LED was flashing once I turned on the power supply. Any ideas. What I found on the internet was people has some stuff wrong in there code. But my printer was working fine before the 3 months besides falling apart I have a sanguinololu 1.3a
@Chad_Nuxoll Have you checked the thermistors?? or thermistor reading on host software??
It seems to be fine its low because its out in my garage know. But it was reading 11 or 13 C. I can even heat the bed up if I turn it on. The only time I get this message is when I try and move a Axis. The hot end also read 8 or 9C and can be heated up
@Custom_Creations Interesting Does this go the same for stepper motors or end stop switches. I know one of my steppers sometimes had a loose wire. I should check that
@Custom_Creations That’s completely incorrect. Most of the components of the printer can be left disconnected and the firmware won’t know the difference. Thermistors are the exception because the heaters are dangerous to attempt to operate without them connected.
@Chad_Nuxoll What’s the weather like where you are? Sounds like it’s pretty cold. As I mentioned above, your printer will complain if it’s not getting a reading from the thermistors because it is not safe to operate without that feedback loop, but how can it tell if a thermistor is hooked up? There’s no “presence” signal from the thermistor, it’s just a passive resistor that happens to change it’s resistance in a predictable way as its temperature changes. The trick is that the electronics are set up so that the temperature should read as 0 with the thermistor disconnected, and the firmware is configured with a safety margin (usually 5 degrees) that the temperature must be above to convince the machine that it is actually reading temperature. This feature is normally intended to trigger a warning if the thermistor is disconnected, but you will get the same error if the thermistor is connected but is reading a temperature below 5C. It sounds like your actual temperatures are much closer to this than the printer is intended to get, so that may be what triggered the error. Keep in mind also that the thermistor tables and hardware are designed to maximize accuracy/precision around their normal operating temperatures, which means they have the least accuracy/precision around room temperature and below.
The thermistors are the only components that have any failsafe (which I described above) for when they are disconnected. The microcontroller has no way of sensing whether the heaters, the stepper motors, or the stepper drivers are connected. If your firmware is configured for normally-open endstops, it will read disconnected endstops as untriggered, and if it’s configured for normally-closed endstops, they will read as triggered if they are disconnected. There is no way, in the circuit or in the programming, for the firmware to know any more than this.
@Custom_Creations the board can only detect the presence of thermistors, for everything else it assumes that it’s working properly. When missing, endstops will look to the firmware like they’re constantly triggered (or never trigger, depending on the configuration), but for both motors and heaters, the firmware is not getting any kind of presence feedback.
(edit: looks like I was a couple seconds late)
It is a little cold in the garage. So Idk if this is part of the problem or not but my power supply fan doesn’t turn on when it is plugged into my board. But when you plug it in the fan comes on. Is this a sign of a short somewhere