My new Sainsmart 4030 prover2 steppers are dead!

I’m new here… I assembled my 4030 with no problems and was able to jog all steppers and even homed all axis… I was running candle at the time. Then while the machine was sitting idle it did a nose dive in the Z axis and hit the deck ! I hit the stop button and the steppers were dead and i had to remove the spindle to be able to get the spindle free… now my xyz axis won’t jog but the spindle will turn on and off… i have tried changing to gsender with no luck and reinstalled my driver… My x axis machine coord. shows a value of about 27548.245 . the other axis show close to 000. The steppers have light showing on each motor so they have power…
Again i am a newbie with no experience with grbl… what can i do ? GaFred

Hey~~! just a update. I solved the problem by installing ‘OpenBuilds Controller’ it seems Candle and Gsender was the problem… after installing Openbuilds the steppers started right up and i was able to cut my first test program !

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