my dilemma is i have 2 strips i have connected like FastLED.addLeds<WS2812,8,GRB>(leds, 0,24).setCorrection(TypicalLEDStrip); FastLED.addLeds<WS2812,9,GRB>(leds,

my dilemma is i have 2 strips i have connected like FastLED.addLeds<WS2812,8,GRB>(leds, 0,24).setCorrection(TypicalLEDStrip);
FastLED.addLeds<WS2812,9,GRB>(leds, 24,24).setCorrection(TypicalLEDStrip);
but dont know if or how to reverse direction of one in set to use fastleds built in rainbow generator and not to mention its easier to write routines counting 0-48.
what i mean is i have the data going in the middle of two strips going out to ends left to right the strips are viewed 23…3,2,1,0,24,25,26…48 understand? i found the map suggestion in response to the guy with the picture asking pretty much the same thing im gonna mess with that tonight my wondering is if we could do something in setup thru the library… thank you everyone happy holidays

for (int i=0;i<48;i++) f(i);;

void f(int n) {
if (n<24) leds1(map(n, 0, 23, 23, 0));
if (n>23) leds2(map(n, 24, 47, 0, 23));


Both those strips are using the same pin number and an array named “leds”, so you won’t be able to address from one end to the other as leds 0-47.

Get the pins sorted out first.
Then you can make another temp array of length 48 named something like:
CRGB leds_temp[NUM_LEDS];
and operate on that with fill_rainbow, etc.

Then you can copy the data from leds_temp to leds and leds2 (or whatever you chose) using a couple of for loops to reverse the pixel ordering for the beginning half, and shifting the pixel numbering over by 24 if needed. Post your code then you get a bit further.

(Sorry, I’m traveling so can’t provide a decent example.)

@marmil ​ They’re on different pins (8 and 9). Unless it was already edited. However, they are on the same array, which needs to be changed.

first off thanks for the help yeah used temp array in my case i called it buffer32 in wich it has 32 leds then used for loops to write to the strips im using and the map function to reverse as needed
FastLED.addLeds<WS2812,8,GRB>(ledsL, 24).setCorrection(TypicalLEDStrip);
FastLED.addLeds<WS2812,9,GRB>(ledsR, 24).setCorrection(TypicalLEDStrip);
FastLED.addLeds<WS2812,10,GRB>(ledsC, 8).setCorrection(TypicalLEDStrip);

void bufferRead1(){
for(int b=0;b<32;b++){

 int t = map(b,0,7,7,0);



i can then make other fill patterns using different size buffer ie buffer16 and fill for loops to fill ect ect and i can implement the different routines i have made all ready so yeah helped out ty much for those who responded and the community as a hole the picture shows rainbow fill to the buffer32…a strip 24 goes left strip of 8 down and 24 right with the starting point upper middle they are for the front porch 8 leds down the 3 pillars and 16 hung between each should look cool
missing/deleted image from Google+