Moisture on lens problem

Hello, new member here!

Im having a problem with my compressor.

I bought a 50L with oil compressor, and an moisture trap.

However, i cant work with it because there is still moisture gonćing on lens.

Any idea how to solve this problem?

Thanks in advance!:blush:

Hi and welcome to the forum :slight_smile:

If you are having that much trouble with moisture you can try adding a desiccant trap to your airline.

Alternatively you could just use an air pump that doesn’t use a compressor.

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Thank you very much!:blush:

Is that filter with silicon gel in it?

Edit: i need a stronger air pump

Yes, it uses silica gel as a dessicant to dry the air. The silica gel can be reused by heating in an oven.

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Just one more question, sorry if im bothering you, does it go like compressor-hose-moisture trap-hose-that filter-then hose to laser, or how?

It is first time im using it, so im complete noob about it

Yes, that is correct. Pump --> Particulate/moisture trap —> Silica Gel desiccant trap —> Laser. A lot of times you will see the the two traps just connected by a threaded coupler, but you can have hose between them.

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Sadly there is no such thing in my country :confused::confused::confused:

If you can get the just the silica gel you can try making your own holder.

You also need an oil separator on the line; an oil compressor puts a bit of oil in the line and that will contaminate your lens.

A diaphragm pump might cost no more than the oil separator and will be quieter!

Diaphragm pump is separating oil?

No. A diaphragm pump is instead of a compressor.

If you use an oiled compressor, you need an oil separator in your line. This is always used for painting because oil fouls paint, so an oil separator will be available anywhere airbrush supplies are available. Also, dessicant traps are used in any machine shop because water in the lines kills pneumatic tools; I can’t imagine anywhere where you can get an air compressor that you can’t get both desiccant water traps and oil separators; they are key for normal commercial uses of air compressors.

If you use a silica bead desiccant trap, be aware that you have to recharge the beads by drying them in an oven on low heat regularly. Once they fill up with moisture, they don’t do their job any more.

Putting this all together, buying a diaphragm pump like the one that @NedMan linked to is probably going to be a lot cheaper than outfitting your compressor to work properly with a laser. They are commonly used for aquariums.

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Ok, thank you both very much for answers, i will have to sit down and look at all of it, and find the best solution.

Thank you for your response.