I am today years old and have received my DLC32 v2.1 board for a CNC build, I know on the front of the board it has power, USB and SD card, I don’t want to use the front power input as I know at some point in time I will clumsy it and break something, so I would like to add a socket on the rear of my enclosure and use the power solder pads on the rear of the board…however I can find which is the +ve or -ve pad.
id really appreciate a little info
I assume you are referring to the _12/24vdc input to the board.
The power pads for the input DC power should be on the opposite side of the connector (J1?). There you should be able to pick up power and ground. I would check them with a DVM to verify its what you want.
Why not make a cable with a panel mount connector on one end and the DLC32 power connector on the other?