MKS Board about

Hello. I want to make a 3 in 1 system. (3D printer, Laser and CNC router) There is MKS DLC32 v2.1 on the machine. But this card does not support the 3D printer. Instead, I want to use all 3 systems on the same card. Can you recommend a card that supports this? If possible, it could be MKS brand. They told me that mks tinybee supports all three. But I am not sure about this.

I’m not a huge fan of MKS, they are good at the low end of the market I guess but support and documentation always seems an issue (I have a old MKS board in a 3d printer running marlin and I literally had to guess the pinout for connecting a heated bed due to a lack of schematics for the specific variation I had (as expected, it was identical to their other boards)

Anyway… For myself I’d go for a Duet3D board. The firmware has selectable modes for 3dprinting, CNC and Laser. And with a SD based config mechanism you can re-configure the firmware over the console and web interface.

ESP32 based boards that run FluidNC also have the same advantage. I think MKS make compatible boards! but I don’t know their current product ranges.

For a multi-role machine this ease of config is a huge advantage!

  • Without it you will be spending a /lot/ of time recompiling firmwares…
  • … and probably end up with compromises in the firmware that can be avoided with dynamically reconfigurable systems.
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I checked out Duet3D. It’s quite expensive. It’s too ambitious for hobbyists like me. I wish there was a more reasonable solution.

I should have said earlier, but this slipped my mind.

Have a look at mellow-3d’s range of ‘fly’ boards;

Many of these run RRF (the same firmware that the Duet Uses; they use the same CPU’s etc. but are less premium in price. And less well documented etc…

Many of their boards allow you to choose firmware, they can run both RRF and Klipper.I lean towards RRF but that’s personal; from what I hear Klipper is an excellent firmware too.

I actually have one on a shelf, destined to go into a 3d printer if I can ever find time. I was originally going to put it into a lasercutter.