May this is a dumb question.

May this is a dumb question. I do have one of this cheap banggood 2.5W Laserengraver and I’m trying to set it up with buildlog-lasercutter-marlin to use laserweb later on it.
How do I wire the laserdiode to the ramps? Pin 5, Pin 6? What PWM-frequency should I use? The axis are moving, but the laser is not shooting :frowning: Is it possible to use this diode laser with PWM to raster engrave images?

I know the saying is “there are no dumb questions” but I think it’s more prescient to say: if you don’t ask the “dumb” question you may never have the answer.

Thank you very much. Problem is, that the laser gets the signal on the RAMPS, but it’s 5v, the Laser would need 12v. So it doesn’t Fire. Thought about to use an SSR to transfer the signal to 12v, but they’re still on the way.
I’ll try to use the original board with grbl, just used it with benbox so far, which is crap.

first tests were succesfull, thank you very much!!

I really ask me sometimes, where do you take all the time to write that awesome piece of software and answer so much questions about it. I couldn’t do it … so thank you really, very much!