Many people tell me that co2 laser gravers from Aliexpress a good and reliable.

Mike, no, i use google plus first time of my life, would appreciate your assistance.

Yeah, i ve heard about smoothieboard… So dstevens lv, why it has to be replaced?

dstevens lv, is it only co2 laser you are talking about or diode laser cutter machines as well?!

Tim Elmore, does it cut or only engraves?

dstevens lv, how comw, they all have problems with chilling?

William, did you do it before?

Yes… several times. There is a port of Marlin specifically set up for lasers, so you can use standard RepRap electronics as well.

It cuts, very well.

But what is wrong with standard fan adapter, just you change gcode and you done?! Nope?

@George_Fomichev The machines to which we refer are C02 lasers. The larger machines (60 watts and up) need to have the tube cooled with water. That’s a function of how the tubes work.

The electronics in the cheap machines aren’t very good, that’s why they get replaced. Typcially the laser cutter/engraver works as a regular printer would work on your computer. You choose to print your design from whatever software you are using (Corel, Illustrator, Inkscape, etc) and choose the laser machine as you would a printer.

Most of the machines allow you to use either raster engraving or vector cutting/engraving. How you prepare the drawing and select the machine options determines which process is used. A 40 watt machine will cut but depending on optics and tube quality perhaps only an 1/8" (3 mm) and even then perhaps not every material. If you are going to cut I agree with Tim, go with 60 watts.

piles a handful of popcorn in his mouth

Strange, 2,1 diode laser cut 2-4 mm of wood and plywood, why 40 watt co2 can not?!

40 watt CO2 lasers can easily cut through 4mm wood… I do it every day on my old K40. I also cut through 6mm acrylic without issues.

Acrylic and most of those woods are pretty soft. Leather, harder polycarbonates and rubber don’t cut as easily.

Polycarbonates not so safe without airflow?

Can you send me some pictures folks?