Made sure the E3D isnt clogged I'm starting to think ThantiK  is right about

Made sure the E3D isnt clogged I’m starting to think @ThantiK is right about my filament quality. Because If my tension is anything but all the way tightened and back off a bit my filament strips out. But then if its this tight my stepper skips steps. I dont think the tension is suppose to be that tight.

Where is a good place to get some quality filament. Might also think about trying PLA for the first time.

I’ve had good luck with Prototype Supply PLA from Amazon. I think one of the guys who runs it is relatively active in this group too. I can’t speak to their ABS, but if it’s as good as their PLA you should be happy with it.

Double check your temperature first to make sure it is getting hot enough to extrude. Different hot ends, different firmware, etc can affect actual versus reported temperature, so you don’t want to just use some number that came from someone else’s setup.

That said, please do give our filament (Prototype Supply, available at Amazon or at a try!

Your previous thread is a ways back, I don’t remember what you’ve tried. Can you feed the filament by hand? Is there a gap between the nozzle and heater block? Did you tighten the nozzle at 250C?

I ended up deleting it since I used a photo from Google @Jeff_DeMaagd but I did tighten the nozzle at 250C and there is a gap between the block and nozzle.
@Joseph_Chiu my software said it’s 235 I was at 245 for a while just to see. Also while I’m at 235 the filament coming out is smoking a little and it almost seems like it’s boiling.

This is what it was doing. But I also had to tighten the tension very tight to get it to move at the slow rate without stripping out

Check if using a v5

It sounds like the problem I’m having but they never found a solution in that link. It’s suggesting switch hot ends

Yeah. No real solution yet, but I got a response today from mailing E3D directly. I’ll tell you/post it if I find a solution

OK Ya that would be nice if anything comes from it

BTW, did you make sure you purged out whatever filament you might have had in there before? Sometimes, I’ll get a steaming blob at the start of loading new filament when some of the older stuff is getting purged out at higher temperatures. I try to run my extruder for 30 to 90 seconds at switch-out to help ensure that the old stuff is gone…