Looking to buy some stepper motors for my new build wasn't sure if anyone

Looking to buy some stepper motors for my new build wasn’t sure if anyone had any suggestions. The controller I’m looking to buy is the Azteeg X3 with the SD8825 stepper drivers. Also I already have the motor that came with my Bulldog XL extruder so only looking for the x,y,z motors

I’ve seen some good deals for 4-5 packs of slightly used steppers on e-bay(US) but not sure their right for printers.


I’m looking to buy new motors because im working on building a printer that will have very little problems

Phidigits I payed about 15 bux per stepper and they were .9 degree 2.4a

“Building a printer that will have very little problems.” Noble goal. :slight_smile:


@Bob_Rosania is these the ones you are talking about http://www.phidgets.com/products.php?category=23&product_id=3302_0

@John_Davis Yes its going to be a task but im going to try. I’m trying to buy some of the top parts so hopefully it will work. My last build was a i2 and it worked great until parts started to crack and it was a pain in the butt to change stuff out. Everything that I was having problems with on that one im working on getting the best parts (extruder, hotend, microcontroller, and frame)

Careful…your stepper drivers are capable of 1/32 stepping and the motor is 0.9degrees per step. Why? Based on comments on the google delta group, you will not be able to use that high a resolution because of other limitations. You want the parts to work together as a whole to, as you say, build a printer that will have very little problems.
This combination will probably provide problems.

@Richard_Turnock O really I didnt know that with those kind of stepper drivers what deg per step would work best or how do you figure this out

I’ve had good luck with these… http://pages.ebay.com/link/?nav=item.view&id=181371874386

Jason, really $65 per motor? plus shipping?
Why not tridprinting at $17 per motor? and a discount on shipping.

for XYZ motors the key variable is the torque. You want the 5.5 kg-cm with 1.8degrees per step. then remove a jumper for your SD8825 stepper drivers and change them to 1/16 stepping. Later when you have your printer up and working, then add the jumper back in and test using 1/32 stepping. You will need to change values in configuration.h to match your stepping.

@Richard_Turnock look at his link again. It’s a 5 pack. $70 for 5 motors. Which comes out to less than your $17/motor.

And the ones from Trid are just the typical Kysans. Which you can get $2 cheaper from UltiMachine.

Ah, I missed the number of units…OK, thanks.
By the way, Chad Nuxoll, I have been looking at your posts about the different parts but I have not seen a message about which printer design you are building.
I see you said, you have a prusa version 2.
Why don’t you build a Prusa i3?

If you’re running DRV8825’s with 5% 0.9 motors you’ll be just fine. Just keep the step rate at 8x, which is near the limit of practical resolution for a 5% motor. And those phidgets steppers - 42BYGHM810’s - are not what you want - they draw more current than the DRV8825’s can provide. A better solution would be their sister motor the 42BYGHM809, which can be had from sparkfun for about $17. Here’s the comparison chart: http://www.wantmotor.com/ProductsView.asp?id=157&pid=75&sid=80

Some good reading:

Section 8 is particularly informative.

if you get the Azteeg X5 instead then you can run 0.9° steppers at 1/32 no problem :slight_smile:

@Richard_Turnock I haven’t decided on the design of printer I want to build yet. Was thinking about doing something like the ingentis design because I want it to be a cube so If I want to box it in I can. But im going to make a different X carrage because I dont want or have the bowden E3D.

@Wolfmanjm I looked at the Azteeg X5 but wasnt sure about the firmware never heard of or worked with Smoothieware. But it looks like it has built in stepper drivers which would be nice. I also have a 300mm x 300mm hotbed that will draws up to 20amps. it just says “High Current Mosfet for Heat bed control” so im not sure if that will withstand the 20 amps

@Matt_Miller reading know thanks. I do like those 42BYGHM809’s was kind of wondering about maxing out the amps on the drivers.

After looking into the Azteeg X5 doesn’t sound like a bad option. Anyone use Smoothieware and have any opinions on it

@Matt_Miller “If you’re running DRV8825’s with 5% 0.9 motors you’ll be just fine. Just keep the step rate at 8x,…”

So instead of the 32X the 8825’s are capable of doing, and the 16X that I was thinking might be possible, you are writing that he has to use 8X stepping. That means taking out TWO jumpers. Why would someone buy those drivers and those motors, when you have to reduce the stepping? Why not just buy 16X stepper drivers and 1.8 motors?

I’ve been using smoothieware for over a year, it is quite stable now IMO. For a 20amp bed you should use a relay or SSR to control it, and use bang bang option to switch the relay/SSR

@Chad_Nuxoll Well, the Ingentis blog writes he is using Spectra line. OK, some people have found that to work for them. I have a little on my Printrbot Simple for the X and Y axis. I have attempted to use it on my 3DR Simple but I am going to switch to belts. On a cartesian printer, maybe they will work. On a Delta printer like the 3DR, there are missed steps and inaccuracy when trying to level the bed.
Not wanting to have a Bowden E3D leaves out all the Delta style printers.

@Richard_Turnock Ya i was looking at the Delta style printers for a while because I really liked the design but heard alot of people are having problems with calibration with them. Then I asked some people about the bowden design and got alot of negative feedback about them so I decided to go with traditional extruder. I dont really like the look of Spectra line and was going to use belts for my design. Just doesnt seem like it would work very well to me.