Looking for a reasonable 3d printer kit suitable for a complete novice to 3d

Looking for a reasonable 3d printer kit suitable for a complete novice to 3d printing. Thinking that the Arduino Materia 101 seems to check all the boxes. Any others that I might want to consider?

Is there a place for kit reviews?

I’m missing here the Zortrax M200

Next review with my favorite!

Please read the complete review !http://www.3dhubs.com/trends

I’d go with the PrintrBot Simple Maker. The only advantage I see on the Arduino is the metal frame, and that’s a serious price difference just for some sheet metal.

Thanks, guys. Lots of great info. Good call on the PrintrBot Simple - this could be just the thing I’ve been looking for.

and it is easier to create an enclosure for it to avoid temperature warping. So @Barnaby_Mercer are you looking at it just because the Arduino name? Or something else?
One suggestion, build a 100mm x 100mm x 140mm cube out of cardboard and look at it closely. That is the limit of the build volume, and edge to edge builds are dicey consider 90 x 90 x 130 to be reliable. Is that going to constrain you too much?

Arduino name means little to me. Was looking at it because it was one I’d found that ticked the boxes. Much preferring the Printrbot now that I’m aware of it. Thanks for your input.