Looking for a CNC fabber to collaborate with on a project

Hi All,

looking for a digital fabricator with a CNC macine to work on a DIY bookshelf speakers project with me.

It’s a small job and I need to use a CNC machine to create a 3D relief on 2 MDF pieces for my bookshelf speakers project.

I have the design done in a 3D program and I have it ready to go.

The design looks very much like this: https://youtu.be/H_mxFkxXPpU?t=490

Let me know if there’s anyone out there interested in doing this.


A friend of mine 3D printed with ABS and was happy with the quality (ABS transmits sound almost like wood).
Feel free to send me an STL to shaukib@gmail.com for me to try printing it with ABS. Once you receive it from me you can evaluate and we discuss further.