Logo for the site

So if you have not noticed, we are lacking a nice logo for “The Maker Forums” If any one is feeling creative and would like to design one, please feel free to post your ideas here. If we pick one, you will get a heart felt thank-you from us (Sorry, no cash prize will be awarded) :slight_smile:

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does this Fusion 360 link work for you ?
if so, I design quickly a mascott for your approval. you can extract a logo from it when you find your perfect angle. (pan tilt zoom)

I’m not really a fan of the turtle.

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Maybe a logo with a tagline of “The MF Makers” or the “The Best MF Makers”, “The MF Best Makers”? Definite swag/merch idea here :wink:

Could just go the basic maker logo route incorporating a gear, hammer & screwdriver and Maker Forums. I could probably pull a logo together along those lines.

Ok, here’s my first stab at the logo. Let me know what you think or feel free to play with it yourself. SVG file linked below.

Sorry that 's just me being slow learner with Fusion 360.

I added your logo Ned, with a couple of small changes.

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Nice, looks like it might need a white background circle around it because the dark tools don’t show up well against the dark banner background. Our we could make the tools white.

or add a white outline to the tools

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I’ll play around with it later for some better contrast. Thanks for doing the groundwork on it. Better than just having text.

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Here are a few more graphic designs I was playing with last night.

MF%20flame%20logo MF%20smile%20logo

SVG files

I like the Smile Logo , we need to keep fun in our hobbies !

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I know that we are on the Maker Forum, but shouldn’t the Logo reflect something about the topic. K40 Laser??

The logo needs to be generic for the site, all categories, not just the K409 section.