Leather Computer Mouse Pad Settings: Engrave, 500mm/s 6mA, 3 pixel steps, 1 pass Material:

Leather Computer Mouse Pad
Settings: Engrave, 500mm/s 6mA, 3 pixel steps, 1 pass
Material: 3mm Natural Vegetable Tan Leather

(basically same as my leather stubby holder, as I did the two pieces one after the other)
I noticed with this piece, as the laser moved to the bottom-right-most position on the leather piece, it started to engrave slightly weaker. It still worked, however the depth of the engrave is fractionally less. I am assuming this is a minor issue with alignment of my laser beam.

Also, once completed I am not so happy with the depth of the engrave. I would have preferred the entire engrave to be deeper. So, next time I will either double the power or slow the engrave speed to about 50% of what it was set at.

Wow…that looks great

@Scott_Thorne Thanks Scott. You have to check out http://www.instructables.com/id/Enhance-Your-Image-when-Reverse-Laser-Engraving-on/ for the method suggested by @Coherent to dither the image. Works quite well.

Lovely finish to it.

@Gary_McKinnon Thanks Gary.