Last weekend, I nearly finished the build of my 3rd printer.

Last weekend, I nearly finished the build of my 3rd printer. It’s a coreXY and it’s all my own design. Buildvolume is 30cm x 30cm x 30cm and it’s optimized for quiet and energy-efficient printing.
Last thing to do is to get rid of the IGUS-linearrails and put some nice Hiwin rails inside.
Some other specs are: bigger 30x30 profiles, 750W/230V silicone-heater with a big 8mm thick Alu-PEI-coated printbed, all needed wires are correctly shielded, electronic-stuff is done like in an industrial machine and it got (now two) Raspberry Pi 2 with a 7" capacitive touchdisplay to host and visualize the printjobs… It’s outer measurements are roughly 60cm x 60cm and 85cm tall, this way it will fit perfectly under my workbench.
Oh, and the opaque housing will allow me nice lighting-effects :smiley:

that looks pretty sweet! good job!

What’s the power supply capacity?
Type of Firmware?

Currently mounted is a 480W/24V PSU because I got it very cheap, nearly for nothing. Because of some measurements I did, I will change it to a ±150W/24V-PSU (and will use only 120W of its power) and resell the big one. Heated bed works on 230V AC (european power). Firmware is good old repetier.

Beautiful build.

What material is the housing? I want to make one with lights as well and was going to just light the inside with a white acrylic exterior but this looks wayyyy better.

It’s a special kind of plexiglas (altuglas pmma), especially made for signs and lighting. Mine is 10mm thick with a satin-like finish and it has a special high inner light scattering, holding a flashlight or a laserpointer at one point lights up the whole plate… It is veeeeeery nice but also veeeeery expensive. I got it for cheap because of family-discount, but wouldn’t recommend to buy it for housing, because of the pricetag, AFAIK it’s more than 120€/qm.

Very beautiful printer! It’s an open source printer? Can you share the project?

@Giuseppe_Caldara I will publish all design-files in my blog, after changing to hiwin-rails. And I need to clean up the CAD-files a little :smiley:


Ok, i will wait your project! What’s your blog?

Your printer looks very good! Do you have more photos or videos?

Yes please video. Looks good!

Beautiful printer!

Nice move! Can you share more details about the aluminum PEI coated heated bed… Did you do it yourself? Bought? Glued? I’m curious and would like to emulate your process. The result seems very clean.

@Michael_Memeteau I figured out, that this is a german thing… Every other day I get this question from international users. The process is like:

  • mill aluminium to your desired shape, material should be “warm-casted” (dunno if thats the correct term) and not rolled because of the inner stress of the material
  • anodize it to get an openpore-surface
  • dissolve PEI in dichlormethan (beware, that stuff is really really dangerous -> poisenous and more)
  • wipe the solution over the surface (not thick!)
  • let it dry

But I simply bought it :wink: google for “dauerdruckplatte”, that’s the german term.

well @Rene_Jurack you are getting good at the explanation lol. btw still can’t find that stuff anywhere in US

Live the american dream, make a fortune of it! :smiley:

Nice Indeed!

There ar no stores that sell a 3D printer in ihaho.