Laser bed size issue

any help please to sort this issue

LaserWeb information

my settings are:

“settings”: {
“__version”: “4.0.998”,
“__selectedProfile”: “*gen_grbl”,
“__latestRelease”: “2019-11-26T10:42:57Z”,
“showMachine”: true,
“machineWidth”: 195,
“machineHeight”: 240,
“machineBeamDiameter”: 0.2,
“machineBottomLeftX”: 0,
“machineBottomLeftY”: 0,
“machineFeedRange”: {
“XY”: {“min”: 1, “max”: 50000},
“Z”: {“min”: 1, “max”: 50000},
“A”: {“min”: 1, “max”: 50000},
“S”: {“min”: 0, “max”: 30000}
“machineXYProbeOffset”: 0,
“machineZEnabled”: false,
“machineZMatThickness”: 0,
“machineZToolOffset”: 0,
“machineZStartHeight”: “”,
“machineZProbeOffset”: 0,
“machineAEnabled”: false,
“machineBlowerEnabled”: false,
“machineBlowerGcodeOn”: “”,
“machineBlowerGcodeOff”: “”,
“pxPerInch”: 96,
“forcePxPerInch”: true,
“dpiBitmap”: 300,
“toolGridWidth”: 195,
“toolGridHeight”: 240,
“toolGridMinorSpacing”: 10,
“toolGridMajorSpacing”: 50,
“toolSafetyLockDisabled”: false,
“toolCncMode”: false,
“toolImagePosition”: “BL”,
“toolUseNumpad”: false,
“toolDisplayCache”: false,
“toolUseGamepad”: false,
“toolCreateEmptyOps”: false,
“toolVideoDevice”: null,
“toolVideoPerspective”: {“enabled”: false},
“toolVideoLens”: {“a”: 1, “b”: 1, “F”: 1, “scale”: 1},
“toolVideoFov”: {“x”: 1, “y”: 1},
“toolVideoResolution”: “720p(HD)”,
“toolVideoOMR”: false,
“toolVideoOMROffsetX”: 0,
“toolVideoOMROffsetY”: 0,
“toolVideoOMRMarkerSize”: 20,
“toolWebcamUrl”: “”,
“toolFeedUnits”: “mm/min”,
“toolTestSValue”: 1,
“toolTestDuration”: 0,
“gcodeStart”: “G21 ; Set units to mm\r\nG90 ; Absolute positioning\r\nM4 S0 ; Enable Laser/Spindle (0 power)\r\n”,
“gcodeEnd”: “M5 ; Disable Laser/Spindle\nG28”,
“gcodeHoming”: “G28”,
“gcodeGenerator”: “default”,
“gcodeToolOn”: “”,
“gcodeToolOff”: “”,
“gcodeLaserIntensity”: “S”,
“gcodeLaserIntensitySeparateLine”: false,
“gcodeSMinValue”: 0,
“gcodeSMaxValue”: 1000,
“gcodeCheckSizePower”: 1,
“gcodeToolTestPower”: 1,
“gcodeToolTestDuration”: 5000,
“gcodeConcurrency”: 4,
“gcodeCurvePrecision”: 0.8,
“comServerVersion”: “4.0.136”,
“comServerIP”: “localhost:8000”,
“comServerConnect”: false,
“comInterfaces”: [“USB”, “ESP8266”, “Telnet”],

Problem description

When I install an image, in this case the word Test, it shows on in laser web as it should as per my bed size. I expect it to burn correctly, but instead it burns twice the size as i want. i have also tried a 10mm jog on X and Y and it travels 20mm instead

This problem is new since installed LW4 onto a new windows laptop.

  • I connect via USB

  • My computer(s) on which I run LaserWeb run(s)Windows version ________

Here is my configuration:

$0=10 $1=255 $2=0 $3=0 $4=0 $5=0 $6=0 $10=0 $11=0.010 $12=0.002 $13=0 $20=0 $21=0 $22=0 $23=0 $24=25.000 $25=500.000 $26=250 $27=1.000 $30=1000 $31=0 $32=1 $100=160.000 $101=160.000 $102=160.000 $110=5000.000 $111=5000.000 $112=10000.000 $120=800.000 $121=800.000 $122=300.000 $130=250.000 $131=200.000 $132=100.000

It sems like your steps/mm settings in grbl ($100 & $101) are wrong.
Please read the setup instructions on: