Klipper on BeagleboneBlack and Replicape

Still learning my way around Github.

Found the size problem when I tried to use the kiauh installer(lovely but doesn’t do BeagleBone specific) when I got 4.1Gb for debian 10.3, klipper, Moonraker, Mainsail, and display. Fortunately, I found a procedure for switching a beagle to boot SD first and it’s a life saver. No way can I get my arthritic old fingers to push that 'bitty button when there is a cape on the beagle.

Found the Refractor-Replicape 303 release about a month ago but couldn’t get much past the login. The command line seems to be different from the one I am used to.
Will look into Github intelligent agent this weekend but right now I must quit playing and get back to my home business.