K40 replacement tube

ok, guess i’ll have to just replace and hope it fixs things but as you say, if is is not i just have a spare. Will update once i have sourced and replaced the unit. Thanks for the advice.

They do make a ceramic power resistor to test the lps. I don’t know where you can get one…

As @donkjr advised, you’ve got a new tube, so it’s logical to think it’s the lps…

Good luck


Hello again

New LPS arrived and fitted.Seems to be working fine now if anything its overpowered now :astonished:
Still running on the Nano board but will refit the Monport once i run a few tests as Lightburn is easier to handle it all in one place.
Running at 30% and cutting 3mm Clear Acrylic like butter. Hitting 20ma at around 70-75% on the digital control so will have to adjust on the pwm side for Lightburn.

Once again i would like to thank everyone who made suggestions, you are all appreciated immensely. Lets hope this one lasts signifantly longer than the last (Tube and LPS)

I will no doubt be back shortly to seek advice on something or other.

many thanks


I assume it is solved

Apologies, never crossed mymind to mark as solved :frowning: