K40 installation troubles

Hi everyone !

I am new to this forum, please excuse my english, it is not my native langage and i might do some mistakes. I just bought a k40 laser (Chrisun) and i hope that i could find some help. I am running windows 10 and want to install k40 whisperer in order to use .dxf files. I did not try to install the default software provided by the seller, i donā€™t have an optical player on my pc anywayā€¦!

When i plugged the machine for the first time, it happened that :

  • When turning it on, i expected the head to go to home position but the motor keep running and bumping on the limit of the Y axe. The head does not move on the X axe.
  • When intalling K40 Whisperer, (by following the setup explanations on scorchworks) the installer canā€™t even find the machine. The machine is running (i unplugged the Y outpout on the motherboard to avoid bumping, tought i could reset home position directly on the software), the usb cable is connected on a usb slot that works fine with other devices (i tryed with other slots and an other cable, donā€™t fix the problem). I canā€™t finish the installation, it says ā€œCannot install. Laser device not foundā€. If i close the installation the software run properly, but of course does not operate the machine.

Is it normal that the motor limits are not correctly set by default ?
May i have a problem with the motherboard ? (Itā€™s an M2 NANO)
Did i missed something obvious ?

I will be greatful for your ideas and advices, iā€™m behind my computer and can provide more info if needed.

Thank you all !

I have found this topic that presents kind of a similar problem :

But i my case nothing blocks the emitter/receiver unit to slide into the metal tabs at the endstop, and if i slide a screwdriver into it, it does not stop the movement on Y axis. I may have a problem with this emitter/receiver unitā€¦

Also, i wonder if there might be a wrong plugged cable that could cause the k40 not to be recognized by my pcā€¦

Still working on it. Thanks

Welcome to the forum!

The wires to that limit switch might be imperfectly connected or broken. Do you have a digital multimeter and know how to use it?

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Hi Michael,

Thank you for your answer !

I just solved this problem : You were right, the cable that leads to the motherboard was not correctly connected, i flipped it on the other side and now the head move fine on the Y and X axis.

Then i managed to properly install the drivers. So now the machine is running and recognized by K40 whisperer, step one completed ! Now looking for other problems propably incoming :stuck_out_tongue:


I have a brand new K40 that I am about to try and get going, and in mine the ribbon you have in your picture (with the red arrow) is just laying there, not hooked up! I was wondering what that was all about, now I am guessing itā€™s probably a problemā€¦


Yep i donā€™t know if the head will even move with that cable unpluggedā€¦

I actually never tried it, luckily I noticed this post and realized the ribbon was important before I turned the laser on. I honestly thought maybe it was for a light. My other laser came with a cheap LED light ribbon in the housing that was useless. I guess the good side of the issues I had is they forced me to learn more about the machine, and itā€™s good to know more since I rely on the laser pretty heavily for a engraving a part I use in my business.

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The y-axis will still move since that motor is not on that cable. It will just run to the back and keep going. :grimacing:

See this recent vid.

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The ribbon cable has the x motor connection, and the x and y limit switches.

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