Just trying to setup LaserWeb4 on a dummy set-up with Uno and GRBL1.1F and

Just trying to setup LaserWeb4 on a dummy set-up with Uno and GRBL1.1F
and having odd behavior on the displays, the top X/Y display stay on zero and the command window " Work Offset: -6.46 / -7.29 / 0.00 / NaN" floats about these values. Yet the machine is moving to the correct co-ordinates, what have I got wrong.


are found the answer elsewhere here it said set $10=1
When I set it to $10=0 all works as it should and from GRBL documentation $10 - Status report, mask

Report Type Value Description
Position Type 0 Enable WPos: Disable MPos:.
Position Type 1 Enable MPos:. Disable WPos:.
Buffer Data 2 Enabled Buf: field appears with planner and serial RX available buffer.

Please link to where someone states the incorrect value so we can post a correction

This is where it says set $10=1



I am experiencing the same problems with XY staying on zero.

@ben_ward_FutureLab3D did you set $10=0?

Thanks, I have set this to $10=2 now and it updates in LW4