Just assembled my X-Carve, thought I’d give Chillipeppr a spin. Can cut just fine from Easel, but I get this from Chilipeppr:
“You must connect to your GRBL device using the GRBL buffer algorithm in this workspace. Connecting to any other buffer (default, tinyg, etc) will cause unpredictable behavior.”
However, I can find no configuration options anywhere to make this ‘connection’. Am I missing something right in front of me?
I’ll answer my own question: The json server stuff had gotten pushed off the bottom of the screen by the webcam widget. I got that installed, and am now in business!
I’m having the same problem but my server is connected and so is the device . i have also selected the proper baud rate of 115k. but to my dismay the grbl still does not connect. at this point i am lost in what to do.