Join us at Maker Forums Slack

Get notifications of new content on Maker Forums, chat with forum members, and find out about site maintenance by joining us on Maker Forums Slack.

Just join and then please set your slack profile Display Name to your Maker Forums user name so we’re not confused.

The same site rules apply there and here! Content that’s not appropriate here is also not appropriate there. Be kind to each other. :relaxed:

Be aware that our slack server isn’t permanently archived. That’s what this discourse site is here for!

Slack has mobile applications for Android and iOS, and subscribing to channels you are interested in is one of several ways to be notified about new content here at Maker Forums.

Welcome to Slack!


The invite link says it’s no longer active.

I have updated the link. Let me know if it doesn’t work.

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I have been working to make the slack integration more useful. I wrote a new feature for slack integration that uses slack threads to post responses, and I hooked up notifications for all of the K40 sub-categories to the slack #lasers channel.

To get notifications almost immediately when someone posts to MakerForums, follow the registration link above, install the Slack app on your phone, join the channels that you care about (such as #lasers), and then your phone will let you know about new traffic.

Also, I usually remember to announce on the #help channel when I’m doing site updates. So if on rare occasions you can’t reach MakerForums, you can probably find out on Slack what’s currently going on.

I’ve set up Slack channels for the more recently-active categories here, and am happy to set up more, just let me know what you wish we had and I’m more than happy to set them up.

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