I’ve tried multiple pictures, and all seem to be doing it. At random spots the laser will jump a few cm for about half an inch then get back on track, so there is a section of the picture that is shifted over. Some do it at the top, some at the bottom, some in the middle. Any ideas?
If it’s any help I’m using a k40 running Smoothie. I have not tried running the code in lw4 yet to see if that helps, figured Id jump on here to see if anyone has run into the problem
Those look to be shifts. Have I already had you turn the potentiometers on the drivers up a little bit?
Yea 45*
I think there are some parameters that need to be changed. When I try to cut a box it will start middle of the left side go around fine but when it hits the top it sits there and skips, almost like its putting the top about 20mm past my end stops and sits there and skips and then cuts the top so all my stuff is to short. Think this may be a laserweb setting somewhere
Try doing to same job but turn the speed down. Let me know what happens.
I would first try to figure out if your belt is tight, then check the motor current (to hight stops when driver is overheating, to low skips when motor doesn’t have enough power). Then check your acceleration an speed settings in config.h. To high accelleration or feed can cause lost steps.
Are you using the optical endstops? I had a problem with mine doing the same albeit on a moshi board, I cleaned the optic and put a light in the cabinet and that seem to work until the board broke.
If you create something does it seem to skip at the same level all the time or is it in random places along the y axis?
Random places, and switch end stops
Are you using a seperate 24v power supply to drive the smoothie board or are you using the laser PSU?
Laser psu. Everything is on hold now, believe I just blew a fuse on 5 on the psu. Power to everything but no laser, power stops at fuse for psu
The 24v connection on the laser PSU is only rated for 1amp…
I think that’s a diode not a fuse. Can you read what’s written on it?
It’s hooked up how @raykholo sent in the directions. It’s also getting power from the USB cord
Been trying, can’t make it out, may have to take a trip to frys to see if I can find something
Take a picture of where it came off the board… @donkjr might be able to tell you what it is if he knows where it came off the psu
scratch that, diode is good, back to testing things on the PSU
@tyler_hallberg was about to say that that looks like a 914 signal diode and probably not your problem.
Is the 5vdc and 24vdc correct on the LPS?
Look for charred parts on the LPS
Went through the whole psu, a couple joints had some bad solder on them so re soldered them, no help. Test switch on psu works to fire laser but test switch on outside panel does not work.