I've seen this model several times, but I can't find the file anywhere.

I’ve seen this model several times, but I can’t find the file anywhere. Does anyone know where I can get it?

There was a recent discussion on the RepRap forum about it, looks like you have to pay for the original, but Rhum51 has just re-moddled it - http://forums.reprap.org/read.php?1,182938,183210#msg-183210

Been looking for the staircase version ever since getting my printer running


Where is the .stl? I didn’t see it on the forum.

Have you tried on http://www.shapeways.com/?


Yeah I guessed it might be a 3D Systems model. The one I saw the person said it was their very first model they printed on their UP printer straight out of the box, just plug it in and print.