It seems that the BBB fans are craving more power as it evolves.

It seems that the BBB fans are craving more power as it evolves. Is there anyone else like me who likes the BBB but is happy with lower power, low cost? If so, is there a better alternative for us?

To be clear, I’m using the GPIO, AIO, USB, PPP for web IO and bonescript. I do not need graphics, powerful CPU, and lots of memory.

I wouldn’t mind seeing a little cpld or fpga on the board to play with…

I’ve had some trouble in the past with usb WiFi dongles (even if I provide 2A DC power to the board) unless I use a powered hub, but I haven’t tried again with the latest kernels in Fedora 20. That’s really the only issue I’ve ever had. I love the BBB as-is.

When I mentioned power, I was referring to capability, not wattage. Thanks for your reply though.