It seems like I recall a wecam widget in chilipeppr somewhere along the way,

It seems like I recall a wecam widget in chilipeppr somewhere along the way, did that get pulled out? I would like to make a widget that uses a webcam to visually center the X/Y on a piece of material I have attached to my bed.

What I would like to do is load up the camera and overlay a div of crosshairs, then have a couple input boxes to store the x/y offset values, and a button that when pressed will apply the offsets to effectively center the bit on the material.

Ah, I see, it is indeed in the GRBL workspace, just not in the TinyG workspace. The widget doesnt seem to be working for me in safari or chrome though, wonder if that is why it was removed from ting g? I assume @jlauer decides what is/isnt in the default workspace so perhaps he can chime in.

I removed it on Sunday as the PeerJS service I was using to be the TURN/STUN server for the webcam widget was broken as they changed something. So, I have to rework the whole widget. It was just taking up space while it was broken. Sorry.

BTW, if you’re interested in trying to help fix it, I’d welcome the help.

I started a widget that would use the camera to help me find the x/y zero of the material. This along with the touch plate should make for an accurate way to accurately find the corner of your material. I still want to put a gear icon on the widget for storing the x/y offset (from the camera) that will be applied when you press the “go” button