Is this supposed to be normal?

Is this supposed to be normal? (the heating thing is really red)

Maybe you can explain what to look for this “really red” of concern? Easy Arts does use red tubing on these wires. So from the picture itself it looks “normal”. But if the hot end glows when there is no external light, that would be a fire hazard:-)

@whackyhack The part I have circled is glowing red and it is hot, i am not sure if this is normal
missing/deleted image from Google+

@whackyhack The part circled is glowing red and is hot, is that normal
missing/deleted image from Google+

Must admit I had never looked at hot end from that angle. When I looked, mine definitely was nowhere near glowing red. Your picture doesn’t show any sign of nearing glowing red, either. (The pictured redness on the metal is simply reflection of the red tubing.) Of course, the best way to test is to use a thermometer. PLA starts to melt around 180ºC but glowing red metal is > 550ºC. At that temperature, the insulation and the thermal tubes on the wire would have been charred, if not on fire.

@whackyhack Ok thanks

not normal