Is there someone that can explain the 132 char limit per line in the

Is there someone that can explain the 132 char limit per line in the config file? Is it a hard limit?..meaning 132 char period regardless of the # for making comments

it is a limit in the code:

bool FileConfigSource::readLine(string& line, int lineno, FILE fp)
char buf[132];
char *l= fgets(buf, sizeof(buf)-1, fp);
if(l != NULL) {
if(buf[strlen(l)-1] != ‘\n’) {
// truncate long lines
if(lineno != 0) {
// report if it is not truncating a comment
if(strchr(buf, ‘#’) == NULL)
printf(“Truncated long line %d in: %s\n”, lineno, config_file.c_str());
// read until the next \n or eof
int c;
while((c=fgetc(fp)) != ‘\n’ && c != EOF) / discard */;
return true;

return false;


Your welcome