Is there any instructions on how to download latest source and compile on windows?

Is there any instructions on how to download latest source and compile on windows?

I downloaded node.js and npm which installs fine.

Downloaded source with git

Ran npm install no errors

Npm start gives me a compile error

What’s the error?

@Todd_Fleming I’ve never compiled anything with node.js before so this all new.

Scroll up; hopefully there’ll be some red text.

Did you run this first? : npm run installdev

Ok starting over, these are the steps I took

Downloaded and installed node.js v6.11.0LTS

git clone

npm run installdev

npm install

npm start

This is the error I get now. I know I’m missing a step.

Now you’re to the error everyone’s getting :). Save the following to src/data/machine-profiles.json


Just those 2 characters.

Ok that worked. Thanks a bunch!!!. I wanted to test the new features and the current binary installers haven’t been updated yet. Had to try to compile the source myself.

Maybe someone can put these instructions on

For any non-programmers who want to compile Laserweb4 yourself, this is the steps I used to do it.

Install Chrome Browser

Install node.js, I used v6.11.0 LTS

Install git

Open a command prompt window

download Laserweb4 source
git clone

Run these commands in this order in the command prompt window

npm run installdev
npm install
npm start

If all goes well, Chrome browser will open and Laserweb4 will be running.