Is there a way to set min and max travel limits so that you

Is there a way to set min and max travel limits so that you can’t jog past them? I see you can set zero but I don’t see how to set max travel. I searched but I don’t understand how to define limits.

You can use hard limits or soft limits, but homing switches are needed to make it work.

Is this something that could be added? Could I change the widget to add soft limits definition without switches, or even just add a button to define the max travel position like the button the defines or resets zero?

Homing sets the machine coordinates to (0,0). After homing you can use different coordinates settings by using work offsets G54, G55, G56… (assuming that you have defined offsets) or use G28.3 to set machine origin for one or more axis.
I think G28.3 should work without homing, but how will you make sure that you are in the same X/Y plane location after machine reset? This is not possible without homing, which sets your initial coordinates to (Xmin, Ymin, Zmax) always in the same place (as long as you don’t change homing parameters or physically move homing switches).

Changing a widget to allow limits related to current job is possible, but I don’t think this is really needed.

The default Chilipeppr job has been set to 0,0 in the center of the job area, meaning that part of it goes to negative X and negative Y values. This might be an issue for new cnc users if they set machine origin point not far enough from bottom left corner of the machine - common setting on 3040 machines. @jlauer ​ John, do you think this is worth attention to modify the job in a way that 0,0 would be set to bottom left corner of Chilipeppr logo? Not mandatory, but that would possibly avoid out of boundaries movement of the machine in many cases.