Is anyone here a Meshcam user?

Is anyone here a Meshcam user? I’m on the brink of selecting V-carve Pro (I cannot afford Aspire right now) and I’ve run across Mesh Cam. I’ve seen some pretty good things about it. I’m going to give it a try as it has a trial version.

Stupid human question. You’ve checked YouTube for meshcam tutorials?

@Kyle_Kerr Not yet? Will do! Thanks.

Let us know what you think. I’ve been mainly using fusion 360 right now

@Jarrid_Kerns :+1:

@Jarrid_Kerns I’ve been using Fusion, almost exclusively as well. What a great company and tool! It is so versatile. So much so, that it becomes quite complex to learn everything. I’ve been doing a lot with using their t-splines to duplicate photo images. The one limitation I’ve had is importing svg or mesh files and trying to convert those to a dxf format to cut. I’m sure it can be done efficiently, but I haven’t learned how yet. I also haven’t spent very much time using sketchup. Every time I look at it, it’s as if I’m learning a whole new software again, and I just stop.

You could convert svg to dxf in inkscape. There are likely free convertors online.

I’ve had some difficulty importing inkscape dxf files into fusion for some reason. Sometimes it works, others have resulted in errors. Never with the svg files though.

Sometimes I’ll send files from inkscape to jscut, if it’s for a 2.5D cut.