Is a reseller/shop-owner reading this and located in the US and interested in supplying

Is a reseller/shop-owner reading this and located in the US and interested in supplying me with a very special type of blower fan, only available in the US? It is for my 3d-printers… I speak of 50+ pieces sending to Germany, regulary…
Please contact me via mail:

Why not use a 35mm 12v fan instead. Most 3D printers I’ve seen work on 12v or 24v. Do you have step down circuitry for your fan - as this is 9v

this is a 12V one…

aah - my mistake - I saw the starting current at 9V, didn’t see that the operating current is 9V-15V. Have you tried to find this on Aliexpress?

Why not contact the company and ask for a distributor?

@Dushyant_Ahuja I searched for some hours now, alibaba, aliexpress, taobao…
@Phillip_Ramirez I did, no response so far…

Then maybe it’s time to look for an alternative :slight_smile:

I have 7 different alternatives lying around here. The one I want to get is the best of them. I found an ebay-shop selling a bulk of 50 of them for 4$/pcs for me. Want to get a different quotation anyways :slight_smile:

I’ve been looking for that as well and they are not easy find too here in US. my last search ended up at some bulk pricing 5000 pieces of them PER order shipping from China…

@Step_Cia You sure?

Actually I think I was looking for the much smaller version … “slim micro blower fan”

@Rene_Jurack I have already inquired at UnitedPro about the price of 5 of these exact same blower fans. They quoted me a unit price of 29.50 USD and a total (including bank handling + shipping) of 279.50 USD. They also told me that their minimum order quantity normally is 300 pieces.

@Folke_Schwinning buahahaa… These folks… If you need some, tell me, I ordered 50pcs today… Du kommst aus Deutschland, wenn ich den Namen richtig deute?!

Jap genau. Ich will auf jeden Fall 1-2 Stück haben. Was haben die denn jetzt gekostet und wo bekommst du die in den “kleinen” Mengen her? :smiley:

@Folke_Schwinning - was genau die mich jetzt kosten, werde ich sehen, wenn der Zoll zuschlägt.

This is there one I was specifically looking

everything smaller than 35x10 or 2 fans 30x10 is not enough to cool a print.

Interesting any info you know about minimum airflows for cooling?

No. But I tried a lot. And by saying a lot, I mean buying 20+ different kind of fans, sometimes 3 or more of each type…

Interesting, I probably should use radial fans like that to, I basically improvise them right now by having a 90° duct behind an axial one… Probably not ideal but worked for my old hotend.