interesting… LW3 throws an error:
TypeError: Cannot read property ‘0’ of undefined (http://localhost:8000/lib/svgreader/svg2three.js on line 182) when loaading an inkscape .SVG?
I’m not sure… I’ll go check it out… It was a project I worked on to create an STL for a model of a badge I’m working on…
Lol I understand…
Here is the file if you want to see what I’m looking at.
Hmm. I wonder… although the file is .svg there are layers in it… like the working file is .svg but is it really a true SVG file as LW3 expects it to be?
I’m not sure how SVG’s are structured. are they all XML based?
Interesting… But IE and Chrome open it…
You are much too busy to deal with my silly question… disregard please…
I’ll go read some and try to figure it out…
The answer is YES.
YES, There is a difference.
Inkscape users MUST save as a “PLAIN SVG”
inkscape adds layer info and other tags that confuse the parser…
I’m not sure if your phone viewer will work this time but LW3 did…
and I must add that I love the new CAM selection tree… I didn’t realize but there are two rectangles in the bottom of the file that are not supposed to be there… I panicked for a second and then simply deleted them… You sir are Fu**ing amazing man!
The rectangles… the index box… all went poof… so simple… so easy! love it LOVE IT!!
Defective paths… little glitches that show up… man amazing… I’ve been sandbagging because my laser is apart right now, but today at the office is a little slow so I pulled the latest and wow… how to donate to #beerfund?
I can’t wait!.. I’ll bet 3d relief is probably only just down the pike…
Actually, I’ve been finding that Inkscape layers really don’t cause trouble for LW3. Inkscape uses groups (a standard feature of SVG) to implement layers, so LW3 just ignores the inkscape specific layer name tag, and goes on its merry way… To date, saving to “standard SVG” has not solved any problems for me…
Crazy… I couldn’t get my file to load without an error UNTIL I saved without the extra contexts inserted by Inkscape…
Probably something wonky that I did in the file that was removed when saved as a standard SVG…
I attached both files to this thread… if you can see anything I’m doing wrong, please feel free to fill me in…
pulling now…
Nope… still getting the same error
The null path handling is correct! From the Tiny1.2 spec: “An empty attribute value (d=”") disables rendering of the element"… OTOH, what is there to render if the path is empty?!?
Not a big deal for this file…
I just wish I knew why it was doing it.
I’ve got your file, I’ll dig…
Son of a biscuit!
You fixed it.
What was the difference between my inkscape and standard svg that was hanging it?
Ahh, no stroke color.
So that was a good bug right?
I’ve been sitting here all day offering shitty advice and not contributing much… I’m trying really hard to be productive today…it’s just not always that easy.