In this hand, I have this 128x96 RGB OLED SPI display.

In this hand, I have this 128x96 RGB OLED SPI display. In the other, I have FastLED. How would I go about making these play nicely? Could FastLED ever include this type of display or chipset support because of the SPI dependency?

Note that your led buffer would be 55k :). Also, each frame would be 300kbits of data over spi (actually a bit more because of positioning commands) which means a max frame rate of 10fps if your spi clock is running at 3Mhz. (Basically every 3MHz increase in your spi clock gets you another 10fps).

You’d also lose the graphics library support - which uses command primitives to do things like draw lines by only touching the changed pixels vs. pushing a full frame.

That said, it’d be interesting to try to do - I wonder how much these things cost?

Ah, $35 - might be tempting, just to play :slight_smile:

So a Teensy 3.x is highly recommended… what is the max SPI clock rate available, or is it chip dependant?

Nevermind, SPI.setClockDivider(divider)

Sounds like the 3.1 taps out at 30Mhz for the SPI clock. I need to think about this a bit as far as how I would go about doing it.

Normally Teensy’s max SPI clock is 24 MHz. If you overclock Teensy 3.1 to 120 MHz (by uncommenting stuff in boards.txt to add 120 MHz to the menu), you can get up to 30 MHz.

However, the SSD1351 chip’s datasheet says 20 MHz is the max SPI clock. It probably can overclock too.

Such a display would be one step towards a FastLED “simulator” or at least a small gadget allowing to program and test animations without using a big led setup.

Check this out:

Found this link in an Adafruit blog. It gives you fractals, star fields, etc. I am still messing around, but so far it pretty neat!