In the same vein at feed rate override, I think max cut depth override would be useful. Sometimes I have an nc file for a particular feature (like a countersunk bolt hole), which I want to cut into a part, but doing so would penetrate the wasteboard. It would be nice to limit the max cut depth in ChiliPepper, rather than regenerating the nc file.
Yes i got the same idea … you mean you get/download a gcode file with the with target deep of -10mm but your material only 8mm thick. But i guess, it’s not so easy, I’ll think about it
Or, perhaps using something like to modify the nc file directly would be a better solution. Has anyone here used NCPlot. If so, do you like it?
Boy, this is a very interesting idea. I think it would be possible by monitoring the Z axis min/max values. I could show you a slider that by default puts the minimum Z value from scanning the entire Gcode file. Let’s say -10mm is what was found from a scan like Frank’s example. Then you could drag the slider to be -9mm. I would look for any number less than -9 and swap it for -9 at the last minute. I don’t think letting you drag it the other direction like to -11mm would help because I wouldn’t know what values to change in the Gcode file on-the-fly.
Although, the more I think about it, the more I’d like to see it in the 3D viewer. So i’d rather just have ChiliPeppr adjust the actual Gcode file rather than do it last minute on-the-fly like the feed rate override does.
There is a sample macro that loops through all the Gcode. Why don’t you try to modify that to yank out the Z value and adjust it and then rewrite the Gcode? If it works I’ll make it a standard widget called “Z Min Adjust” or something.
Agree that modifying the GCode with a macro would work fine, rather than doing it “on-the-fly”. Okay, I’ll give modifying that macro a shot.