In recent events my fellow Americans have been downright nasty to each other based on disagreements of political views. This serves as a reminder that “We the People” need to stop and remember that we are “United” and our country was founded upon Freedoms! I choose the Freedom to express myself artistically and know that violence only begets violence… I supported neither party on the basis of not choosing the lesser of two evils, but I still voted. Instead I shall teach my children to respect their fellow Americans and the importance of nominating/electing officials that have the greater good in mind. Sorry for the rant I’m just tired of all the hate!
Too bad your viewpoint was in the minority during the recent circus season.
It’s unfortunate that a system exists in which there is either one shitty choice or another shitty choice. Nice piece & a great reminder.
Worst part is the protests turn riot … just hope they don’t turn into a full fledged civil war.
Well said!