I'm playing around with LW4 CAM and I have a few questions.

I’m playing around with LW4 CAM and I have a few questions.

Did the concept of min/max power and different feed rates for light and dark go away for raster images? All I see in laser fill path is the laser power and a single cut rate setting.

Also it appears there are some new options such as margin, line distance and some fill and stroke filters. Any chance we can get a quick rundown on what these doe?

Ok, good to hear. Thought maybe I was missing something.

I know my machine benefits greatly from black and white speed differences. I get a better result by slowing down the lights and speeding up the darks. My transitions are actually smoother and I get more variation.

Margin adds (or subtracts if negative) distance between the cut and the path. Fill fills with horizontal lines; Line Distance is the distance between those lines. Filters take a subset of the paths you assigned to the operation. E.g.: drag entire doc into an operation then use the filters to select the paths to use.

Ooh, margin sounds like something fun to play with to compensate for laser kerf when doing inlay work. Looking forward to experimenting with that.

So filters will allow us to setup different colors in the main file and then pull out those specific paths for operations. Definitely a nice addition.

For fill I guess that sounds like step over if thinking like a CNC? Does this override the beam diameter setting then?